name: Miragem
date: 2015-09-26
type: video mapping
event: Inauguração
city: Torres Vedras, Portugal
place: Parque Choupal
client: CM Torres Vedras
collaboration: Nuno Côrte-Real, David Negrão, João Garcia Miguel, Pedro Cabral, Manuel Morgado, Ruben Santos
description PT: Videomapping para inauguração de parque da cidade de Torres Vedras, com música de Nuno Corte-Real.
description EN: Miragem is a videomapping show made for the opening of a park in the city of Torres Vedras.
Its a multidisciplinary show, that joins spacialized music with robotic lights and synced multivideo projection, all around the theme “nature, technology, art”.
it was projected during the two days of celebration that the city hall of Torres Vedras gave for the opening of this landmark garden.
Art Direction: Rui Gato
concept, 3D, coding, videomapping: Rui Gato / David Negrão
Music: Nuno Côrte-Real
Light Design: João Garcia Miguel
Sound Design: Manuel Morgado
Infographics: Ruben Santos
Light Technical Direction: Pedro Cabral
Projection: Hipnose
Sound: Promeios
image: Ruben Santos / Telmo Martins
edit: Ruben Santos / Rui Gato
Carlos M. S. Miguel
Arq. Rafaela Valentim
Daniel Shaeffer
Susana Luiz
Keith Lostracco
Luís Miguel Bombico
Adriano Marinho
Eng. Azeredo Lopes
Oliveiras SA
Rui Penetra
Ruben Borges
Arq. Bruno Félix Ferreira
Nuno Castro
Arq. Ana Aguiar
Eng. Alcino Antunes
Pedro Brazil
links: https://youtu.be/sgOrJVEudPU